OUTreach/ Your Experience Matters

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Manila, 29 November 2017 — With more materials available online to learn when and where you want, we can create more time for experiential learning during our live training sessions.

Flipping the Classroom

While flipping the classroom is already becoming the new normal in places of learning around the world, we still see many classes, training sessions, workshops and conferences where most of the time is spent lecturing and listening. 

In leadership training, experiential learning is not a luxury, it is key. The more experiential learning you get, the more results you will achieve. To get experiential learning, you need to have a (safe) space to show up, speak up, and get feedback from the teacher and your peers. This takes getting out of your comfort zone.

Think of it, you don't really have to get out of your comfort zone as long as you listen to a lecture. However, when your teacher invites you to engage in role-playing exercises, making a presentation in front of the whole group, and asking for feedback, you know that the classroom has been flipped. You know that you are in for a new challenge, of experiential learning.

Flipping the classroom is what Perum Jasa Tirta I—Indonesia's rapidly expanding water management corporation—decided to invest in when it invited Coach Wouter of TransformationFirst.Asia to conduct a leadership training for a mixed group of senior and young professionals.

Maximizing Experiential Training

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Using the Work In All Colors method, the group of 37 participants started their learning journey a week ahead of the live training day. Studying at their convenience, each of them took the course of online modules to learn, practice and reflect, using sample clips, training videos, and assignments.

By flipping the classroom, they learned the new knowledge well before the training day. There was no more need for lecturing on the training day itself, and all of the precious time could be allocated for experiential learning. The impact achieved was that more than 90% of the participants rated their training experience, and the relevance to their work, as excellent.  

Experiential learning is most effective when the participants also remain engaged together after the live training. That's where the benefits from the training are consolidated and deepened through practice with reflection and feedback. This is easier than you might think.

With everyone willing to continue their learning process with the group, good results can be achieved through the use of simple sharing technologies like a Whatsapp group. The Indonesian participants are showing how much fun that can be. 

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Creating Your Learning Opportunity

What about leadership training in your company or organization? Do you already have access to experiential learning opportunities to develop your leadership skills?

Shoot us an email at support@transformationfirst.asia if you want to know more about the opportunities available. And go and ask your HR colleagues about it too!

We're looking forward to hearing from you.