ACTivity/ Decode Your Audience
/Ubud, 15 November 2017 — Having problems influencing people? Start learning how to decode your audience so the next time you connect, what you say will go to their heart.
Leadership is Influence
Leadership is influence, goes the widely-used definition of leadership by John C. Maxwell. Here is how he elaborates the point. "If you can't influence people, then they will not follow you. And if people won't follow, you are not a leader. That's the Law of Influence."
Influencing, however, is easier said than done. We need to learn new skills to do it effectively. The challenge is to connect with your audience in a way that speaks to their heart, rather than only to their head. That's how you open the door to win their trust.
Once you have entered their space of trust by speaking to your audience in the right language, you can go on to build effective collaboration with them. And that, in turn, allows you to work with them make changes happen in your business and in your world. The changes you want to champion.
Connecting with Your Audience
In the end, it all comes down to how you connect with your audience. To find the right way, you need to do your homework to decode the language that will speak to their heart and mobilize them into action.
Here is where the Work In All Colors method can help you.
What if you could influence your audience effectively in the following situations:
- A one-to-one conversation with your boss, client, colleague, or staff?
- Your team or departmental meeting where you pitch your project for approval?
- The people gathered to listen to your proposal for a major change in the business?
Leaders who have used the Work In All Colors method have commented that learning the influencing skills to be successful in these three situations is easier than they thought. Many have called it a life-changing experience for the impact it had on how they work and live.
Why not find out for yourself?
The Work In All Colors online training course is now available to help you get started so you can discover the power of purposely communicating in one of the seven communication styles, each marked by a color.
Learning about the seven communication styles—Purple, Red, Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow, and Turquoise—will help you decode the language of your audience. So when you meet them next time, you will be prepared to speak the language that lets you connect more deeply with them.
As you take the course, you are challenged to practice each of the seven styles for a day and write up your experience in doing so. Sample clips and training videos help you get started.
Work In All Colors: Starting Now
You have the choice of taking the full version or the version for self-directed learning.
The full version allows you access to the ValueScan questionnaire, where you discover your own personal profile of the communication styles you prefer and the styles you tend to reject (rejection is often a subconscious process, a blindspot).
You also get a private one-to-one coaching session to explain your personal ValueScan results and guide you in a strategy for mastering the seven styles in a manner that is relevant to you.
With the full set of modules and assignments as well as the ValueScan assessment and the private coaching session, the full version of Work In All Colors offers you unprecedented value that will change the way you see the world around you and communicate with each of your audiences.
Flipping the Training Room
The online course is also a great way of flipping the training room when you take it together with your colleagues at work. After completing the online modules in the week before your live training event at your business, you will be able to spend those precious live training hours practicing what you learned, by applying it in case studies, role plays, and short presentations.
With all the interaction and challenging assignments, this way of learning is effective and more fun.
Check out this video talk to further explore what you will learn, and see you soon in the course!
“If you can’t influence people, then they will not follow you. And if people won’t follow, you are not a leader. That’s the Law of Influence.”