INsight/ Power of Practice
/Manila, 5 February 2025 — Practice is how you grow your leadership.
It happens every week. Whether you are taking our exclusive one-to-one coaching programs for executives, or a leadership challenge in our Grow3Leaders community of practice, one thing is the same. We make growing your leadership simpler by asking you to focus on practice.
What, then, about adding more knowledge? Yes, that’s available in our community too, in twelve guides on effective leadership behaviors. However, we emphasize practice over knowledge. The power of your leadership transformation will be ignited not by knowledge but by practice. Practice is the ignition key to start your ride.
Why is practice so important? Because there are two forms of knowledge. To know from acquaintance, which means to study. And to know by direct experience, which is the practice that drives your transformation. In our coaching, only 10% of your growth comes from knowledge by acquaintance, 70% from knowledge by direct experience through practice, and 20% from practicing together with your coach and your fellow leaders. That’s the power formula.
Focusing on your practice as a leader means showing up every day, speaking up, and teaming up with colleagues. These are three of the six keys for leading positive change that have been articulated by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a professor at Harvard University. In our community, the Daily Streak feature helps you track your showing up every day.
Maintaining your focus on practice isn’t easy. It’s normal to struggle with distractions. We help you deal with those distractions and that takes daily practice. In our community, you learn to use the focus behavior as well as building strong leadership habits and expanding your awareness of these behaviors.
The LEADweek Challenge lets you build consistency in strong daily leadership habits for every day of the week. You will earn your certification in this challenge after showing up in the community for three weeks with consistent daily practice, 15 minutes every day.
How ready are you to level up your leadership practice? That’s my question for you this week, and I’m looking forward to hearing your response.
In the Grow3Leaders community, we grow more leaders and practice growing our leadership together in Collab-oration. What that means is that we ask you to invite three colleagues from your workplace to form a Collab, and then to take a leadership challenge together in our community.
Have a question? Reach out and set up a free strategy call to get them answered. Your decision matters to advance your practice. Today, one of the leaders in our community shared that his biggest mistake was to “think that he had time” … to put off practice. He learned that effective leaders practice every day.
P.S. When you join our Grow3Leaders community with your Collab, you will have immediate access to all of our leadership challenges. Our three-week LEADcoach Challenge starts on Monday, February 10th, and is designed to let you learn and practice the use of short coaching styles with colleagues in your workplace. You can earn your certification with three weeks of … yes, you got it, practice!