ACTivity/ Multiply Your Influence
/Photo by portsoy on unsplash.
Manila, 19 June 2024 — How to overcome negativity and avoid showing up as a diminisher.
It happened this month. In our community of leaders, we practiced becoming multipliers who influence more changes. That isn’t easy. The main obstacle to overcome is negativity in our thinking, behaviors, and language.
Negativity affects us every day. That’s because we humans have a negativity bias built into our brains. We notice negatives more easily than positives. No one is immune to that. The good news is that we can work on overcoming it.
While the power of negativity is just as contagious as the power of positivity, it has a stronger hold on us, focusing on negative experiences, weaknesses, limiting beliefs, and language that diminishes us and others, sabotaging our success.
We know from a quarter century of research into positive psychology that overcoming negativity and becoming known as multipliers rather than diminishers is possible. Today, the best leadership coaching and the best leadership development programs are designed with that knowledge.
Sadly, however, a lot of leadership training and coaching is available that is of doubtful quality or downright faulty design. If in doubt, check and ask what research your leadership coach or trainer uses. It matters greatly for your experience and the results you will get.
In our leadership programs, we tap many sources of modern research, including Frederickson’s broaden and build theory, Seligman’s work on flourishing, Boyatzis’ work on helping people change, Duckworth’s research on grit, and many more. We also work with time-tested traditions like mindfulness.
It is possible to overcome negativity and become a multiplier. Leaders we work with are learning to tap the power of positivity, leverage their signature strengths, engage with the language of leaders, and much more. Most importantly, they put this into practice over an extended period, allowing their success to grow.
What are you doing to turn your team into a team of multiplying leaders? That is my question for you this week. Of course, the work starts in yourself with overcoming negativity and becoming known as a multiplier. Then, you help your team practice the most effective leadership behaviors to grow faster.
Book a free strategy call to tell me what you want to see happen in your work. We will start from there and explore what program will best suit you and your team of leaders.