ACTivity/ Your Biggest Obstacle
/Photo by Mallory Johndrow on Unsplash.
Manila, 31 October 2024 — Your biggest obstacle in leadership development and what to do about it.
It happens in our coaching sessions, workshops, and trainings. We will ask the participants open questions to help them reflect and share what’s on their mind when it comes to developing their leadership.
Prompted by our question: “If you had a magic wand, what would you change in your leadership,” they will raise the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of building their leadership abilities.
Obstacles we often hear about are those that sabotage confidence, self-leadership, time management, effective communication, influencing others, crossgenerational collaboration, motivating teams, and developing consistency and resilience in their practice.
What about you? What is your biggest obstacle when it comes to growing your leadership abilities? The good news is that your obstacle can be overcome. This week, we offer you three steps to set yourself up for success in tackling the leadership obstacle that weighs on your mind.
First, examine the resistance that you feel inside you: what is holding you back from success? Second, write down your vision: what will your success look and feel like? Third, decide to deploy your strengths: what strengths will you build on to grow your success?
Whatever the obstacle you see to develop your leadership abilities, these three steps will help you get started and make progress, which is the most important thing you can do. No longer held back, you will advance.
Describing your biggest obstacle to leadership growth and taking the three steps to overcome your obstacle will unlock the door to transforming yourself first. That’s what leaders do.
Seth Godin, an author we follow, wrote a book about knowing what to do when it’s your turn, adding “And it’s always your turn.” We agree. Described as an urgent call to do the work we’re hiding from, Godin’s words speak directly to leaders. That’s what our question this week is about.
We are curious to hear directly from you what your biggest obstacle to leadership is and what you are doing to overcome it. Please reach out, connect on LinkedIn, and let us know. We look forward to learning from your experiences.