ACTivity/ Power of Positivity 

Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash.


Manila, 22 February 2023 — About playing sax and the power of positivity.


It happened last week. As I was researching the Power of Positivity, an email from Jay Metcalf, one of my favorite saxophone mentors, dropped into my inbox. The title was intriguing so I opened it right away to watch his short video. It turned out to be a good example of what I was researching! First, though, let me take you back a quick step in time. 

‘Music moves life’ has become one of my life mottos. Playing a musical instrument always made a big difference in how I have experienced life. Listening to music worked wonders too, yet playing went a step further. Especially after I discovered the saxophone and wind synth while living in a free-standing house.

There’s something very special about playing the saxophone. The sound depends directly on your breathing, giving it a moody human quality as if it were an extension of your voice. It’s beautiful. It’s also loud, and that makes it a challenge to play in apartments with thin walls. And that’s what Jay’s video was about.


How to play the saxophone regularly when you live in an apartment? That’s the question Jay Metcalf set out to answer, based on his own experiences. He found a creative solution to this problem. Actually, not one, two, or three, but as many as eight solutions! 

To me, coming up with solutions as Jay did is one of the many ways to tap the Power of Positivity, which we can apply to a variety of problems in our life and work. Such as how to help colleagues find solutions during a meeting when they’re at risk of getting stuck in a negative rut. Back to Jay first.

Some of Jay’s solutions were low-cost or even no-cost, and could be applied immediately, like going out to practice sax in your car or in a park. Others involved investing in sound-absorbing equipment, a sound-proof room, or a wind synth you can play with earphones. Of these solutions, most would get you out of your comfort zone in some way!


What can we learn from Jay’s example? How can we tap the Power of Positivity? When you experience a challenge in your life and work, how many ideas for solutions can you come up with to overcome it? That’s my question for you this week. Please write to share your experience and let me know what you think. Yet there is more. 

Three key points came to mind. First, we can find solutions when we put our minds to it. Second, we only really benefit when we act on one (or more) of the solutions that we find. (Another of my mottos is that the best way to respect an idea is to act on it.) Third, several solutions may challenge us to step out of our comfort zone. It’s only when we do that and practice new behaviors, that we really move forward.

There is a lot more to learn about using the Power of Positivity to transform yourself, your team, and your businesses. Watch this space. Meanwhile, for music, I warmly acknowledge Jay for creating the video so that sax players like me can get inspired by his experiences. Beyond music, if you want to tap the Power of Positivity to lead in your life and work, set up a Free Strategy Call so we can discuss how you and your team can move forward.

P.S. Here is Jay Metcalf’s video on 8 Ways to Practice Saxophone QUIETLY. Enjoy!