ACTivity/ Starting Your Transition


Manila, 1 January 2022 — Which of these 3 leadership transitions feels right for you?

The Leaders Journey

Happy New Year! Thanks for walking with me on the leaders journey. If you were with me in the park yesterday, you would have enjoyed seeing this beautiful new sprout on one of the Banyan trees (Ficus Benghalensis).

When you watch a Banyan tree, you can’t help noticing how it is always working on growth, often in new and unexpected places. Seeing this new sprout inspired me to visualize growing new leadership, starting now.

Over the past years, I learned that it works well when you see your leadership journey as a series of transitions that you take on for a limited time, like 3 months. Each transition then reveals a specific challenge to work on and get the results you want.

Three Transition Types

To start the new year as a leader, what type of transition do you want to take on in the first quarter? Leaders I have coached often came up with one of these types:

  1. Level Up. This transition is where you prepare to deliver in an executive or managerial leadership role that involves more responsibilities.

  2. Change Role. This transition is to change to a role that better suits your strengths and the purpose you are selecting for your career.

  3. Improve Behaviors. This transition is to improve in your current role by learning to engage in more effective leadership behaviors.

Which of these 3 leadership transitions feels right for where you are now? 

Starting Your Transition

As you begin the new year, why not create that transition for yourself and get organized to complete it in the first three months of 2022?

If you are up for this challenge, then go ahead and book a Free Strategy Call so that we can discuss what you want your transition to look like, and how the Leader in Transition Program can help you to get there.

Looking forward to speaking with you soon in the call. Think of your transition as growing a beautiful new sprout on your tree.