INsight/ Three Being Values
/Photo by Julian Santa Ana on Unsplash
Manila, 18 December 2019 — Why Being trumps Having and Doing as you start 2020.
It was Donald Miller of who reminded me to focus on the core values of a business. Don’t come up with more than three values, he said, otherwise people might not remember any at all. That matched my own experience.
Also, Miller continued, the core values should be phrased in simple terms: about being. That makes it easier for everyone concerned to remember and use them.
StoryBrand chose these three as its corporate core values for all staff: 1) Be the Guide, 2) Be Ambition, and 3) Be Positive.
Values not only define businesses. Choosing three core values is equally important for you and me as individual leaders. These values are about what is most important in empowering your leadership, what you want others to notice about you.
Mahatma Gandhi famously remarked that we should be the change we want to see. It’s all about being as a strong foundation for the doing and having in your life.
This year-end season is an excellent time to wave your finish flag on a year of busyness with doing and having.
When you return to your being values, you revisit your wholeness and also reflect how your being can position and empower you to achieve the results you want in the new year.
This week, I reflected on my own being values, condensing them from five to three on Donald Miller’s advice. Here they are: 1) Be Aware, 2) Be Grateful, and 3) Be Empowering. That’s what powers me as a leader.
Incidentally, we also have three being values in our Grow3Leaders community: 1) Be a Collaborator, 2) Be an Experimenter, and 3) Be an Influencer.
What about you?
What are your three being values that allow you to experience a sense of wholeness at the year’s end, and inspire you to bring out your best in the new year? Make sure to select (only) three, and to start each with “Be.”
Can you picture yourself standing on a rock celebrating your three being values? Then you’re on the right track.
If you want to become a more effective leader in the new year, and you’re not afraid to learn, share, and collaborate with peer leaders, our community of leaders may be a good fit for you. Visit Grow3Leaders to request your invitation.
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