INsight/ My Back Story
/Manila, 9 May 2018 — Why become a trainer and coach for leadership in the 21st century? Here is what motivated Coach Wouter.
If you are a leader who wants to create positive change and you are looking for insights and inspiration for social innovation in Asia, you will want to check out iMPACT magazine. Packed with stories of change and attractively laid out, it makes for a productive and enjoyable read.
So when iMPACT's Ian Jamotillo came to me at the close of an event of the European Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines where I had spoken on leadership and asked me for an interview about leadership in the 21st century, I readily accepted.
Exploring the chosen theme during our conversation, Ian asked me what sets millennials apart from the older generations in terms of leadership, how leadership is empowering businesses to become sustainable, and what the biggest challenge is that corporate businesses, organizations, and non-profits face now.
He also asked me questions about my personal back story: why did I decide to become a coach and trainer, why I did I move to Asia, and what are my tips for emerging leaders.
Mindful of millennial keynote speaker Brian Fanzo's recommendation to share more of ourselves as part of our work, I thought this would be a good opportunity to do just that. I am happy to share the interview here, reproduced with iMPACT's permission.
“Remember how airlines tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping others? It’s the same for leadership. You need to invest in expanding your own leadership skills first, and then you can grow more leaders around you, so that everyone can become a leader of positive change.”
Don't forget to check out iMPACT magazine at