OUTreach/ Becoming a Leader

Delft, 2 August 2017 — How to become a leader? Focus on behaviors that help to grow your leadership.

This week I am working with a select group of water professionals from Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and South and Central America who have chosen to become water leaders. The leadership course is organized by IHE Delft, the world's largest water education institute.

What sets this course apart from others is that we are focusing on a distinct set of leadership behaviors to quickly produce results. The participants track their behaviors every day, individually and in teams, and with a competitive element.

By focusing on specific leadership behaviors in the areas of awareness, planning, speaking, listening, and integrity, the participants are quickly learning leadership together, and they are building a foundation to sustain their growth as leaders after the face-to-face training.

More about these behaviors, and how they fit together, in a next post.