INsight/ Time To Reframe
/Manila, 13 December 2017 — Whether you're snowed under in celebrations, work, or life challenges, the end of the year is a good time to reflect and reframe.
The end-of-year season can affect our feelings in positive and negative ways, or it can leave us untouched.
During the past few weeks, I have seen people who are:
1. Celebrating achievements, relationships, and getting ready for a new start in 2018.
2. Carrying on with work and life as if it's just another day and week and month.
3. Feeling deeply affected by life challenges and what they did not achieve yet.
I found myself somewhere in the middle between 1 and 2.
Regardless of where you find yourself, it would be a pity to miss out on the inspirations that we can discover during this season, illustrated by the various cultures around the world.
For example, think of the celebration of light that shines in the darkness. The birth of new life. The sharing of thanksgiving and gratitude. The power of hibernation and rebirth.
Or consider the powerful perspective of seeing the world in black and white—with many nuances of grey in between. Or enjoying your summer vacation in full color and smothering heat if you're, say... in Australia.
What about seeing a time for reflection, and for new intentions to be born. A season to lighten your load by deciding to leave some burdens behind as you move forward.
Here are three things I am reflecting on:
Gratitude for getting to know the people I have met and worked with this year. For the power that comes with connecting, co-creating, and collaborating. And not just with people I like and can easily appreciate.
To celebrate curiosity and expand it. Exploring 'Collaborating with the Enemy,' as in the title of Adam Kahane's new book. Stretching to find new ways of understanding with people who hold different worldviews than I do. What makes them think that way? What solutions can lie around the corner if we can create new spaces to collaborate?
Deep dive into individual space, below the surface of everyday experiences, positive and negative. Reflections that connect to the Source that empowers me. That allows me to be inspired and creative in an individual manner.
Reflections that disrupt me in my ways of thinking and doing, and help me to listen, unlearn, learn anew, and then lead change in new ways. Respecting my inner guide. Creating from Source, which is always there, waiting for its power to be tapped.
Learning from feedback. Going out of my comfort zone again, and again. Embracing a challenge every day. Expanding my awareness, both personal and situational. Lifting my level of consciousness to deal with the growing complexity in our world.
Reflecting and focusing on what matters most, cutting to the chase, and holding myself accountable for results, every day. How to create more ripples for change.
It is a special time of the year.
And if you’re feeling snowed under, as if you are sitting in one of the cars in the photo, it may be a good place from which to reflect and reframe where you are, and where you are going, by creating your own quality reflections during this end-of-year season.
So that you can bravely move forward in your reframed world.
What will your reflection be about, I wonder?
“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.”