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OUTreach/ Achievers Grow Leaders

Singapore, 7 February 2018 — What drives High Achievers to grow more leaders around them, and how do they do it? 

We have been exploring what drives High Achievers, and how to become one. We already looked at it from a process perspective and discovered how Achievers learn to control the dynamic of their actions by choosing to alternate between assertive and receptive styles as they influence others around them. We also unpacked a structural perspective and reviewed what it means for Achievers to be Curious, Cheerful, and Convincing.

In this post, we explore a third dimension that I have observed in my experience with leaders I met. I think this perspective is equally important to the other two. It is about how Achievers grow leaders around them. 

Now, I can hear some of you exclaim that you have met some achievers who came across as self-centered and did not seem to care about the people around them, let alone grow them into leaders. So where do I get this notion that Achievers grow leaders? I am happy to qualify that, and to invite you to come along on my exploration and then see for yourself.

In my book, Achievers who are on a passionate journey to make a difference in their business and the wider world will discover, sooner or later, that sustained results from their work occur only when they invest in working with others and bringing out the best in people around them to become Achievers instead of followers. Sometimes, however, it seems to take them time to discover this, especially when they are more at home with assertive behaviors.

Here is where the alternating dynamic of assertiveness and receptivity also comes into play. When Achievers surge ahead with assertiveness, they unconsciously invite people to follow their lead. And then, when they switch into a more receptive dynamic, they listen and learn from others, and find ways to collaborate, and create space for leadership in others to grow.

What I have seen in my experience of observing how Achievers growing leaders around them, are three behaviors worth studying and emulating. I call them being responsible, remarkable, and relatable. Let’s explore each of these three.

Achievers are Responsible

I have noticed how Achievers grow leaders by reaching out to people around them, especially to those who show an interest in learning new skills, taking on bigger challenges in work and life, and stepping out of their comfort zone to bring out the best in themselves. They develop a knack for spotting these aspiring and emerging leaders, and they take responsibility for reaching out to them without being invited or told to do so, and even if there are boundaries that divide them. 

Reaching out is one of the trademark behaviors that Achievers develop. In turn, they expect those whom they approach to also take responsibility to reach out and make the best use of the opportunity that arises between them. 

Achievers are Remarkable

Achievers also grow leaders around them simply by modeling the way. Having already mastered their self-leadership to a significant extent, they show up with curiosity, passion, and with the skills and habits needed to make a difference. They can be remarkable in how they lead by example, and how they can be relied on to motivate emerging leaders and to instill into them a growing sense of accountability for making progress and for choosing to play a bigger game in their work and life.

Achievers show behaviors that inspire others to emulate them to get off to a stronger start in their own leadership journey. 

Achievers are Relatable

Importantly, Achievers also grow leaders among the people they meet by being relatable. They invest time and effort into coaching them up on their leadership journey. They show an interest and a willingness to level and work ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with the emerging leaders they meet, in a collaborative way. And they do this regardless of age and position they hold. 

You feel that you can talk with them, that they listen, and that you can discuss your challenges openly with them because you are on a leadership journey just like they are. Achievers who have learned the basics of leading with a coaching style tend to be particularly adept at being relatable for emerging leaders, many of whom are looking out for such opportunities and favor the coaching style much more highly than the traditional, more directive leadership styles. 

In summary, High Achievers grow more leaders in the people they meet in work and life, by showing responsibility for reaching out, by being remarkable for how they model the way, and by being relatable in how they collaborate and are ready to coach emerging leaders up on their journey.

Who are your role models whom you consider to be High Achievers? How do they grow leaders around them? I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences.