OUTreach/ Becoming a Water Leader at UNESCO-IHE
Delft, the Netherlands - 5 September. "The most influential training in my life." Sixteen young professionals from 11 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and South America graduated from the week-long leadership course 'Becoming a Water Leader' at UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education.
This course is really a life-changing training... If you really want to find the keys to success in your personal and professional life, take the course... It will be nothing like you have ever seen, and it will change the way you perceive the people around you.
The graduates developed their leadership awareness, knowledge and skills through an intensive program of 40 sessions in 5 themes: leading from your self, leading in practice, leading across boundaries, leading to cut through complexity, and leading in presentations.
Course requirements included the successful completion of group assignments to present 3 water leadership roles (champion, enabling, and team leader) and an individual leadership development plan (ILDP) including a challenging leadership project. They received group and individual feedback on their presentations during the course, and individual feedback on their ILDP after the course.
The course was delivered by Leadership Coach Wouter T. Lincklaen Arriëns as Course Leader (TransformationFirst.Asia Pte Ltd), Leadership Specialist André Taylor as Lead Facilitator (International WaterCentre), Leadership Specialist Lizette Cohen as Guest Lecturer (Nyenrode Business Universiteit), and Coordinator Carel Keuls (UNESCO-IHE) for planning and arrangements. Gerhard van den Top, Ingwer de Boer, and Kitty van der Heijden joined as guest speakers.